Effects of Domestic Violence on Children – June 18, 2014

Welcome to Right-On with HFG Happy Families Support Network Inc. (HFG)
HFG is a not-for-profit support group that provides ongoing support to women and children who have experienced abuse
HFG is a free support group for women and children who have experienced abuse, run by women who have experienced abuse
The topic for today is – Effects of Domestic Violence on Children
If you have children and you are living in a relationship with Domestic Violence, your children are exposed
Even if you think you are protecting your children, they hear and or see the abuse, they feel the tension, and see your tears
Children react in different ways when exposed to domestic violence
What are the effects of domestic violence on children? Have their behaviours changed? What about social & emotional development?
Can domestic violence affect your children’s learning abilities? Can it cause them to act out in school?
Can domestic violence cause your children to lose concentration while in school and have difficulty finishing school projects?
What about the long term effects of domestic violence on our children?
Not all children exposed to domestic violence will experience the negative effects
You can’t always tell when a child is exposed to domestic violence, some children don’t display negative effects
Some children that are exposed to domestic violence suffer in silence
Children who are exposed to domestic violence may become fearful & anxious, on guard, watching & waiting for the next episode
Children exposed to domestic violence never know what will trigger the abuse, therefore, never feel safe, they feel powerless
Children exposed to domestic violence are not allowed to tell. It is a secret, you never talk about it
Children exposed to domestic violence sometimes blame themselves for abuse, thinking they did something to cause abuse
Children exposed to domestic violence feel isolated and vulnerable
Children exposed to domestic violence may also be physically or sexually abused by the abuser
Children exposed to domestic violence may also get hurt accidentally while trying to help/save mommy
Children exposed to domestic violence may act out regularly, be withdrawn, or be anxious to please
Children exposed to domestic violence may show anxiety, have difficulty concentrating, result – poor performance in school
Children exposed to domestic violence may have developmental delays – speech, motor/cognitive skills & score low when tested
Children exposed to domestic violence may display some of the same symptoms as children diagnosed with ADHD
Children exposed to domestic may be constantly tired and show symptoms of fatigue
Children exposed to domestic violence may be overly aggressive and violent towards peers and/or mother
Children exposed to domestic violence may start hurting themselves
Children exposed to domestic violence may grow up to either be abusers or victims
Children exposed to domestic abuse may learn that violence resolves conflict
Children exposed to domestic violence may have sleep problems, nightmares, bed wetting & increased separation anxiety
Children exposed to domestic violence may complain of regular tummy aches and headaches and may develop eating disorders
Children exposed to domestic violence may develop low self-esteem and lose interest in interacting with others
This is by no means a complete list of the effects of domestic violence on your children
What can you do? Think of your safety and the safety of your children
Talk about the abuse to someone you trust, let them know you have children and they are exposed to domestic violence
You and your children have the right to live safe and happy lives without domestic abuse
Thank you for joining Right-On with HFG. We look forward to seeing you next Wednesday June 25 for our weekly Right-On conversation
The topic for next week is – Identifying & Helping Children Exposed to Domestic Violence
Please email your questions and comments to right-on@hfgfamilies.com
If you would like more information on the HFG support group please email info@hfgfamilies.com
Have a great day! HFG Hugs!!

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