HFG Happy Families Support Network Inc. (HFG), is a not-for-profit organization located in Toronto that provides free, ongoing support to women and children who have experienced abuse. HFG assists mothers and their children who have experienced abuse, by providing a safe, nurturing and supportive environment that facilitates recovery from the abuse.
For mothers, HFG helps with reintegration into the workforce or maintaining current jobs by sourcing the necessary skills and training that is required. HFG provides a safe environment for mothers to talk about their experiences and learn coping skills and new parenting strategies that will help in their move to lead lives without abuse.
For children, HFG helps and encourages them to stay in school by providing positive role models and positive age appropriate experiences. HFG sources the necessary programs, and counselling that children need to deal with life after abuse and after the separation of the family. HFG creates an environment that facilitates creative expression and mastery through arts and crafts, music and movement, and sports. HFG also provides older children with leadership training through the 1 year volunteer in training program.
HFG provides Mothers and their children with opportunities to rebuild new, healthy and positive relationships with each other, fostering open communication and trust.
HFG also endeavors to educate society to raise awareness of our goal to end violence against women and children.
To provide a safe, nurturing and supportive environment to help women and children heal and rebuild as they pivot towards leading lives without abuse.
Dream big! Live your big dream. The world is yours…you deserve it!